I'll be 30


Every thing comes incircle these years. I met the same spoke every day and every night. I got nothing and my time wasted. I did not grow and my body is getting down.

It seems my life is brilliant, it seems I am busy at work and playing football, but I just do these things mechanically. I hardly do creatively things. I hardly devoted my self. I just watch others’ life, listen to stories, and image that those was my beautiful life.

I lost my dream. No, I didn’t lose it, I lost in it.

In my dream every thing is perfect, I should be a professional football player, I should be a independent hacker, and I should be a super star playing guitar on the stage. I call myself a perfectionist, but in fact you are lying, lazy bones. You don’t know what you love, You don’t know why you love, and you did not take these things seriously.

Stop indulging in illusions. If it was the end of the world, if this was the very last night, What would you do?

Maybe I will die in peace, because I have accepted that I am nobody. But that’s not right, I don’t want to die now, and I want to make my life brilliant and colorful. Well fortunatelly, I am 30 now, I am not 60.

Mostly, those who are coward and evading responsibility wiil say that he doesn’t want to change the world and he just doesn’t want be change by the world. And now I want to say, I can change my life.

I’ll be